Metin2 Dragasani
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Metin2 Dragasani
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august 05, 2012


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Un avocat din SUA a cumparat o cutie de tigari, foarte rare si deosebit de scumpe. Pe urma le-a asigurat, printre altele si impotriva incendiului. In decurs de o luna, fumand toate tigarile din cutie si fara sa fi facut nici macar prima plata pentru polita de asigurare, avocatul a solicitat companiei de asigurari sa fie despagubit, aratand ca tigarile au fost distruse intr-o serie de “mici focuri”.
Compania de asigurari a refuzat plata, invocand motivul evident si anume ca avocatul a fumat tigarile.
Avocatul a chemat in judecata compania de asigurari si A CASTIGAT.
Administrand probatoriul, judecatorul a fost de acord cu societatea de asigurari si anume ca cererea de despagubire era cel putin “neserioasa”. Totusi, judecatorul a retinut faptul ca avocatul detinea o polita de asigurare pentru tigari care garanta ca acestea erau asigurate inclusiv impotriva foculului, fara a defini ce este considerat a fi “foc acceptabil”, iar societatea de asigurari a fost obligata sa-l despagubeasca pe asigurat.
Decat sa treaca printr-un proces lung si costisitor, societatea de asigurare a acceptat sentinta si a platit 15.000 $ avocatului pentru pierderea tigarilor in “incendiu”.
Acum urmeaza faza tare:
Dupa ce avocatul si-a incasat cecul, compania de asigurari a cerut ca acesta sa fie arestat pentru 24 de cazuri de incendiere. In urma propriei cereri de despagubire si a declaratiei de la procesul anterior (folosite acum impotriva lui), avocatul a fost condamnat pentru incendiere intentionata a bunurilor sale asigurate si a fost condamnat la 24 de luni de inchisoare si o amenda de 24.000$

Aceasta este o povestire adevarata si a castigat Locul I la concursul “Recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest”.

Varianta in engleza va este oferita de google translate

A U.S. lawyer bought a box of cigarettes, very rare and very expensive. Then he provided, among other things, fire. Within a month, smoking cigarettes in the box and all be done without even receiving payment for the insurance policy, insurance company lawyer asked to be compensated, showing that cigarettes were destroyed in a series of “small fires” .
The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, namely that smoking cigarettes lawyer.
The lawyer sued the insurance company and won.
Managing evidence, the judge agreed with the insurance company, namely that the claim was at least “frivolous”. However, the judge noted that the lawyer held a policy of insurance to guarantee that these cigarettes were provided including fire, without defining what is considered “acceptable fire” and the insurance company was obligated to compensate the insured.
Rather than go through a long and expensive process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $ 15,000 for the loss of cigarettes lawyer in “fire”.
Now comes the hard phase:
After the lawyer cashed the check he, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of arson. With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous process (used against him), the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in prison and a fine of $ 24,000

This is a true story and I won the contest “Criminal Lawyers Award Contest recently.”

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